We’re going to reach deep into the heart of young people, invite them to dream big dreams, to discover their purpose and mission in life, and to live it out loud!
Overview: RYM! is going to rock communities with a powerful movement that dares to suggest: 1) You have a purpose, a mission in life, 2) Community is the context for us to attain excellence... to transcend our selves, and 3) ALL organizations exist for this purpose. The core-truth of RYM! is that we were created for greatness.
Integrated movement. This is bigger than any one person. We're going to accomplish this through high-octane events integrated with a dynamic web and multi-media. We're going to unite parents (homes), teachers (schools), youth and the community structures in recognizing and living our call to excellence. We hope to engage high schools in the Erie region, their leaders, students, teachers, parents and the community rallied around them.
The heart are the 7BQs (Seven Big Questions):
RYM! wants every individual to be able to answer key, big questions that chart the success of every individual, family, team and organization. See them on the right. Get on board now with your personal purpose/mission, and invite your organizational leaders to do the same with their organization. We have a growing group of premiere "coaches" who are distinguished with both local and national success. Sign up to stay connected to this growing community-transformation!
Time is the currency of mission-fulfillment. How are you spending it?
Email: RockIT@RockYourMission.com
Rock Your Mission!
RYM! Featured Partner: Clara Ward
CONTACT: Clara@ClarasWay.com
Question 1: Purpose and Mission
My mission is to save as many at-risk children as I can. I will do whatever I can with what little means I have to mentor the children who come through our doors. My mission is to love them, listen to them, guide them, feed them and encourage them to stay in school and become self-sustaining as adults.
Question 2: What does success look like? (Vision)
Success is when you have set a goal, big or small, and you work hard to accomplish what you set out to do. Don’t give up, keep your eyes on the goal and you’ll achieve it.
Question 3: Power
Our inner thoughts and spirit have great power. We should always be motivated to do good – to love one another. If you have inner-strength, you project that to others and you can communicate with them heart to heart. My power? It seems children are drawn to me. I love them and they listen to me. I always try to teach them to love themselves and others. They listen to me … I suppose that’s a gift.
Question 4: Limitations
In my case, being that I am physically handicapped and I am on a fixed income, and because the children I serve are underprivileged, I suppose my limitation is money. It’s not a lack of drive or will to do good and serve others; it’s just that we need more funds to help more children. My own children have told me that even if I was rich, I wouldn’t be for long because I’d give it all away to help the kids.
Question 5: Need to Overcome
More volunteers and more funding would help us serve more children. Our goal is to give them love and guidance, let them know they are important, allow them to have dreams and accomplish them. The same spirit of giving that inspired the community to build this new home and center is the same spirit we need to help these children in the future. Human kindness and self-giving would help us fulfill our mission.
Question 6: Plan
My plan is to start getting people together to help us organize funds and volunteers so we can map out a strategy for success. “Many hands make light work.” Now that I have this beautiful facility for the children, we need others to share their ideas, skills and talents to help us minister to these children and families in need.
Question 7: Helping Others
I am always encouraging people to give of their time and resources. Come out, spend time with these kids, show your love and make our community and this world a better place. The pressures of this culture bring these children down. We need to support one another always. If we work together and love one another, we can change the world.
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You have a mission.
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Rock Your Mission.
RYM! Featured Partner: Buddy Stark
BACKGROUND: Buddy is a husband and father of eight children. He is an attorney and CPA in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Question 1: Purpose and Mission
To spread the gospel to as many people as possible to bring hope to people of all ages and to motivate people to live a charitable life.
Question 2: What does success look like? (Vision)
Peaceful people who love to love other people. Married couples who hold their vocation above all else, especially material things and who live for each other and their families. Adolescents who know they are loved and are learning how to love one another unselfishly, thus prepared to enter the working world unafraid of what might come. Children who are content to be children, loved by their parents and exposed more to family life than culture life.
Question 3: Power
A solid marriage is the rock of a strong family. A strong family is the rock for spreading the gospel and bringing love to the world. The power of patience and forgiveness.
Question 4: Limitations
Outside forces incessantly selling sin and vice and creating a culture of indifference to right and wrong.
Question 5: Need to Overcome
A loud voice telling people to lock up your kids at home at certain times and get on your knees a pray to the creator in thanks for creating us. This humble gesture, done in complete sincerity, leads to the next step which is love and forgiveness of other people and counters the prevailing attitude in culture that every person is a king – this is the pride and arrogance of so many people.
Question 6: Plan
Join with others who have a similar belief and pray for grace.
Question 7: Helping Others
My 8 children are my disciples in this mission. It is working. Need to reach out to help more.
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RYM! Featured Partner: Kim Burney
Background: Kim married her high school sweetheart 10 years ago after being apart 22 years. She is a mother of one and nana of two granddaughters. Having lived across the US from the north to the south and out to the Midwest Kim proudly calls Erie home.
Kim has the distinction of becoming the first female regional director for the national restaurant chain she worked with in the 80’s directing 15 restaurants in the north Florida region. From that strong business background she earned a degree in computer science and started her IT consulting business. Kim’s passions for helping business owners to grow and expand lead her to sell her company last year to pursue her dream of service to the Erie community and beyond.
Organization: CEO Space – Kim started the local club in Erie in October 2009 after attending the Forum in July 2009. CEO Space is a new model for a business trade show that reduces cost and time to reach growth goals. It provides the answers entrepreneurs are looking for through MBA level training, coaching and mentoring and cooperative capitalism model. In Erie alone (CEO Space is in 140 countries and has been around for 23 years) we have revitalized a manufacturing plant, brought back employees and hired more; restored a business that that was on the verge of bankruptcy in December 2009, to today where it is selling over 50k per month and adding over 500 subscribers to their list daily; we have help an early stage company raise capital; authors to get published; helped launched two teens in their music careers; and helped countless others start new ventures to create multiple streams of income.
Question 1: Purpose and Mission
a. My purpose is to provide a space where people come together to work cooperatively to build their dreams – to give them HOPE. To provide the education, mentors, business coaches, investors and contacts that entrepreneurs need to move their projects forward. Offer opportunities for our teens to gain the education and have access to the leaders that can help them pursue their ideas. To create a “safe” environment where investors can freely and confidently invest in new and emerging products and companies with the knowledge that their capital will be well guarded; the entrepreneurs are well educated; and they are treated like the valuable partner that they are.
b. To build abundant communities one person, one family, one business, one city at a time in a spirit of cooperation.
Question 2: What does success look like? (Vision)
Success is creating more jobs and opportunities; cooperation vs competition; seeing the smile of hope on the face of a business owner who discovers like minded people who really want to help; when a new business is open; when a local teenager sings on stage in front of 1500 people with 4 huge screens behind her; when a vet is honored for his service to our country; when a business flourishes instead of closing its doors; when investors feel safe and want to help; when a new product is on the shelf at a local store; when a local author sees his book at the bookstore for the first time; when a city wakes up to its power and the spirit is revitalized; where workers enjoy going to work and are proud of what they produce; and we all live with renewed hope for the future of our children!
Question 3: Power
I am a clarifier. Working with entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, professionals, inventors, and artists to help them to clarify where they are in this moment and where they would like to go. I have a strong belief in people – I believe that there is greatness in every single person I come across and if we can just tap into that spirit of greatness nothing can stand in our way of success in whatever they pursue. As a Certified Miracles Coach, I am able to help people see their limiting beliefs and remove them. God leads me to doors and I go through them without asking why – which has lead me to some of the most incredible opportunities.
Question 4: Limitations
Thinking that I have to be something that I am not – understanding what there is for me to do and letting others do what they have to do. There is brilliance in God’s simple statement, “I am that I AM.” For me it is simply, I am that I am and I do what I do. Remembering that is sometimes difficult.
Question 5: Need to Overcome
Thinking that there is not enough time…
Question 6: Plan
Continue to provide weekly meetings for our local CEO Space club and invite like-minded business people to come together in a spirit of cooperation to help create Our Abundant Community, starting right here in Erie. Help those pursuing their ideas, products, ventures, etc to get to the next level.
Question 7: Helping Others
Giving of my time and resources to help others pursue their dreams.
Kim has the distinction of becoming the first female regional director for the national restaurant chain she worked with in the 80’s directing 15 restaurants in the north Florida region. From that strong business background she earned a degree in computer science and started her IT consulting business. Kim’s passions for helping business owners to grow and expand lead her to sell her company last year to pursue her dream of service to the Erie community and beyond.
Organization: CEO Space – Kim started the local club in Erie in October 2009 after attending the Forum in July 2009. CEO Space is a new model for a business trade show that reduces cost and time to reach growth goals. It provides the answers entrepreneurs are looking for through MBA level training, coaching and mentoring and cooperative capitalism model. In Erie alone (CEO Space is in 140 countries and has been around for 23 years) we have revitalized a manufacturing plant, brought back employees and hired more; restored a business that that was on the verge of bankruptcy in December 2009, to today where it is selling over 50k per month and adding over 500 subscribers to their list daily; we have help an early stage company raise capital; authors to get published; helped launched two teens in their music careers; and helped countless others start new ventures to create multiple streams of income.
Question 1: Purpose and Mission
a. My purpose is to provide a space where people come together to work cooperatively to build their dreams – to give them HOPE. To provide the education, mentors, business coaches, investors and contacts that entrepreneurs need to move their projects forward. Offer opportunities for our teens to gain the education and have access to the leaders that can help them pursue their ideas. To create a “safe” environment where investors can freely and confidently invest in new and emerging products and companies with the knowledge that their capital will be well guarded; the entrepreneurs are well educated; and they are treated like the valuable partner that they are.
b. To build abundant communities one person, one family, one business, one city at a time in a spirit of cooperation.
Question 2: What does success look like? (Vision)
Success is creating more jobs and opportunities; cooperation vs competition; seeing the smile of hope on the face of a business owner who discovers like minded people who really want to help; when a new business is open; when a local teenager sings on stage in front of 1500 people with 4 huge screens behind her; when a vet is honored for his service to our country; when a business flourishes instead of closing its doors; when investors feel safe and want to help; when a new product is on the shelf at a local store; when a local author sees his book at the bookstore for the first time; when a city wakes up to its power and the spirit is revitalized; where workers enjoy going to work and are proud of what they produce; and we all live with renewed hope for the future of our children!
Question 3: Power
I am a clarifier. Working with entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, professionals, inventors, and artists to help them to clarify where they are in this moment and where they would like to go. I have a strong belief in people – I believe that there is greatness in every single person I come across and if we can just tap into that spirit of greatness nothing can stand in our way of success in whatever they pursue. As a Certified Miracles Coach, I am able to help people see their limiting beliefs and remove them. God leads me to doors and I go through them without asking why – which has lead me to some of the most incredible opportunities.
Question 4: Limitations
Thinking that I have to be something that I am not – understanding what there is for me to do and letting others do what they have to do. There is brilliance in God’s simple statement, “I am that I AM.” For me it is simply, I am that I am and I do what I do. Remembering that is sometimes difficult.
Question 5: Need to Overcome
Thinking that there is not enough time…
Question 6: Plan
Continue to provide weekly meetings for our local CEO Space club and invite like-minded business people to come together in a spirit of cooperation to help create Our Abundant Community, starting right here in Erie. Help those pursuing their ideas, products, ventures, etc to get to the next level.
Question 7: Helping Others
Giving of my time and resources to help others pursue their dreams.
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RYM! Featured Partner: Donna Reese
Youngest of 9 kids raised on a fruit farm in North East. Being the youngest taught me a lot with 8 others ahead of me, paying close attention to the failures and successes – and also being the youngest fighting for position in use of our one full bathroom. I’ve always been a “cheerleader” with a tremendous amount of energy to energize those around me. I attended college and married very young (20). I didn’t finish college, but always continued with evening classes to expand my knowledge, including obtaining a real estate license.
At 23, I was a mother and also came into my husbands’ family business when he purchased from his family. Neither of us had business experience. He knew pest control and I had a taste of knowledge from the night and weekend computer classes. My original intent was to help get his company set up with computers…20 years later, we are divorced and I am considered one of Erie’s local pest control experts.
I have two sons, and proud of both. We were a hockey family. Both boys played travel hockey since they were very young. Ryan gave up hockey his senior year to enjoy what he had missed being on the road. He attended IUP and eventually transferred to Mercyhurst, graduating this year. Ryan and I just purchased “Reese’s Pizzas & More”. I not only get to mentor my son in business, I get to partner with him.
Shane’s love for hockey took him to the highest level possible for his age. After 3 years of traveling out of state daily for practice and games, he graduated from McDowell and is now playing Junior A in Rochester. His hope is to obtain a Division 1 scholarship while playing Junior A. His mothers’ dream is to have him play for Mercyhurst College.
In addition to being co-owner of General Exterminating and Reese’s Pizzas & More; More, I am the owner of Erie’s most dynamic networking organization “Erie Small Business Alliance”.
Question 1: Purpose and Mission
Never say never. All my life I’ve been told “you can’t do that” – which gives me that much more energy and passion to prove those who said it wrong. As a result, I’ve engulfed myself in projects and business and grown tremendously as a person. My mission is to “pay it forward” and help kids and adults realize that the sky is the limit!
Question 2: What does success look like? (Vision)
For years I just "went through the motions". I went to work, helped with homework, and drove countless hours to ice rinks. Not that this wasn't a great life, but three years ago the flood gates opened. I went out a limb an applied for the Athena Powerlink program, and got it! Life changing. I was surrounded by incredibly successful people who were donating their time to redefine our family business that had grown stagnant. It supercharged me personally and professionally. Now I own two additional businesses and even have the confidence in my ability that I considered a run for Congress (don't count me out for the future). I live by the "laws of attraction" and faith. Positive attitudes truly do bring positive outcome. Each time my phone rings, I wonder what awesome opportunity is on the other end. Bad days are a thing of the past. New and incredible things happen for me regularly. I can't wait to see what is next!
Question 3: Power
Fist thing that comes to mind when I see the word power is overcoming the obstacle of being a woman in a mans’ industry. Twenty years ago when I stepped into the lead role at General Exterminating I would take great offense when clients and industry professionals would not want to talk to me because they expected a man. I stood tall and firm. Twenty years later, I am not only respected, I am called on as an expert by heads of companies and organizations looking for pest control advice and guidance.
Question 4: Limitations
My limitations come from the inability to say “no”. After chairing a major non-profit annual function – the word got out that I was good at it. Now my phone rings regularly with people asking me to donate my time. I am not good at saying “no” when there are so many people in need of financial and volunteer aid. The more I say yes, the less time I have to focus on my own businesses and the volunteer work that I am already involved
Question 5: Need to Overcome
I need to overcome my extreme desire of thinking that I can change things fast. When I see problems in business or community, I want to tackle it NOW. Everything is a process and I get too anxious thinking that I can change things overnight.
Question 6: Plan
I’ve found over the years that my long-term plans have changed drastically, which poses daily change. While consistent in maintaining focus, I have also realized that some plans are not able to be obtained, maybe because I am somewhat unrealistic at times. This plays hand in hand with “need to overcome” – thinking that things happen overnight. My plan for the last 20 years of wanting to raise healthy, productive and respectful adults (my two sons) has been achieved through a lot of sweat and tears. With both sons graduating this year and moving on to bigger and better things, I’ve found my “plan” changing gears. As sad as it is that my parenting days seem to be over (which, in truth, they will never be) – I’ve found an empty nest that needs filled. My plan now includes helping other kids, building three successful businesses and working with my government to make people more accountable. I want to be an advocate of taking care of ourselves and
our families first….the rest will fall nicely into place.
Question 7: Helping Others
My first love has been working with people with disabilities. Nearly thirty years ago I was introduced to the Erie Homes for Children and Adults. These individuals will never have the opportunity to experience life as each of us knows it. Being able to assist with their needs to help live fulfilling lives is close to my heart. I also love getting out of the office atmosphere and serving lunch at the Erie City Mission.
I’ve seen society changes over the past several years and the struggles that kids have. It is not limited to any economic stereotype as once thought. Kids have a whole new set of pressures now than they had just a few short years ago. Parents are working hard to provide, but sometimes aren’t aware that the greatest support to a child is their time. I hope to mentor kids and adults. I was a very busy business professional, who always put my time first into my children. As a result, they are both productive young adults who also live by family value.
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RYM! Featured Partner: Eric Brewer
Since beginning his guitar career in earnest during high school, Erie native Eric Brewer has quickly managed to establish a solid background in music. While still in high school, he attended music theory and classical guitar at Edinboro University evenings and was able to enter Pittsburgh’s Duquesne University with college music credits already in hand. As a member of a popular college band, he was fortunate to open for many major acts and gained valuable experience at host of great venues. He has also enjoyed countless hours in recording studios, both on his own works and as a session musician. Eric’s guitar playing can be heard on tracks from many artists from local to national. His first solo CD, "What Now?" is currently available for sale or download at all popular internet music sites, as well as through Eric directly.
Currently the member of four bands, Eric has ample opportunity to perform while also working as a busy guitar instructor. He is involved as well in special projects as they arise such as radio and television appearances, workshops, clinics and charity events. Eric was chosen nationally as a top 10 finalist for Guitar Player Magazine’s Guitar Superstar '08 held in San Francisco and competed in front of judges such as Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Andy Summers. Most recently, his own band, Eric Brewer & Friends, won in their category at the 2009 Rock Erie Music Awards. Eric's band and its individual members are also nominated for the 2010 Rock Erie Music Awards, to take place September 26th. at the Bayfront Convention Center. This year's awards will mark the fourth year he has filled the position of stage guitarist for the REMA House Band. Eric's goal will remain one of balancing live performance with song writing, while teaching others the joy of playing an instrument.
Question 1: Purpose and Mission
I believe my purpose/mission in life is to share and pass down knowledge, insight and a good attitude through my chosen craft of music. Music is a powerful thing and can teach us about all facets of the human experience.
Question 2: What does success look like? (Vision)
To me, success has no particular appearance. It stems from something deep down, something more unquantifiable than can be related in physical terms. It is the drive and determination to not back down. But it is also the wisdom of problem solving and of knowing when to strike and when to sit back and allow things to unfold naturally. Success is only possible when you are prepared to fail and try again.
Question 3: Power
My power is the ability to relate to other people through music. Music touches people. It can change lives and is almost always a positive force in a sometimes negative world. I feel truly lucky to be able to affect people in such a deep way and hopefully bring a little joy, even if it's just briefly.
Question 4: Limitations
What stands in my way is usually myself! Many of us are programmed to believe that we are not capable of certain things and often start to doubt ourselves. But I know deep down that we can accomplish anything we put our minds to. Nothing we can imagine is impossible to achieve. If your mind can invision it, there is a way.
Question 5: Need to Overcome
I feel fortunate to have family and friends that have always been willing to help me overcome obstacles. However, I think I need to learn how to help myself more, but believe that will come by learning from the examples of those who do assist me along the way.
Question 6: Plan
My plan is to continue to pursue music full time as I have been for the last six years. Whether I remain at a regional level or break through in the national scene, I'll strive to keep making music my living and will enjoy every second.
Question 7: Helping Others
I am a guitar instructor and dedicate a good deal of my time sharing what I know with others. I belong to several groups, such as RYM!, and as a board memeber for the RockHouse Foundation, a charitable organization of musicians who raise funds to provide disadvantaged children with instruments to play. I enjoy doing what I can to inspire young people to fall in love with music so they can make the music of tomorrow.
Eric will be heading up the RYM! House Band for our RYM! Ignition events. Stay tuned!
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