RYM! Featured Partner: Buddy Stark

BACKGROUND: Buddy is a husband and father of eight children.  He is an attorney and CPA in Erie, Pennsylvania.

Question 1: Purpose and Mission
To spread the gospel to as many people as possible to bring hope to people of all ages and to motivate people to live a charitable life.

Question 2: What does success look like? (Vision)
Peaceful people who love to love other people. Married couples who hold their vocation above all else, especially material things and who live for each other and their families. Adolescents who know they are loved and are learning how to love one another unselfishly, thus prepared to enter the working world unafraid of what might come. Children who are content to be children, loved by their parents and exposed more to family life than culture life.

Question 3: Power
A solid marriage is the rock of a strong family. A strong family is the rock for spreading the gospel and bringing love to the world. The power of patience and forgiveness.

Question 4: Limitations
Outside forces incessantly selling sin and vice and creating a culture of indifference to right and wrong.

Question 5: Need to Overcome
 A loud voice telling people to lock up your kids at home at certain times and get on your knees a pray to the creator in thanks for creating us. This humble gesture, done in complete sincerity, leads to the next step which is love and forgiveness of other people and counters the prevailing attitude in culture that every person is a king – this is the pride and arrogance of so many people.

Question 6: Plan
Join with others who have a similar belief and pray for grace.

Question 7: Helping Others
My 8 children are my disciples in this mission. It is working. Need to reach out to help more.

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